04 November 2008

My First Matress Pincushion

Wallahh...it has been ages . I have always wanted to stitch my own matress pincushion. Since I was happy hibernating, I spend some time stitching the matress pincushion. Yeah..I really did spend a lot of time stitching and then do the finishing. Seems like forever....People might wonder why I choose a flower motif for the pincushion. The answer is simple..I luveee flower and always will. Sebab itulah kebanyakan item yg terhasil selalu lari dari orang2 lain...org lain kebanyakannya follow the trend, but I choose to do differently..Yang penting tetap cantik di mataku....

This is how it looks like before I went experimenting with glue and ribbons. Dont laugh please....I was just experimenting ok...I was quite sure it looks better without the ribbons...hahaha, Unless somebody else tell me otherwise...but then it looks so bold..well that was what I thought.

Then...looking at the pincushion with ribbons and whatnot...its not breathtaking at all...Well..ugly pun ugly lah..its my first matress pincushion..I'll make do with it...

1 comment:

Mrs. Fedex said...

this is mine too..