Hahaha..my progress so far with the bear-bear...malas tul ..sebab warna dia berserak2..leceh nak kira..
This is my 'time-out' precious moment where nothing else matters. Just me doing my own bussiness..cross stitching,crochetting...and sometimes...cooking
28 August 2008
My Bear-bear..
Hahaha..my progress so far with the bear-bear...malas tul ..sebab warna dia berserak2..leceh nak kira..
Thank you Salmi
Last Saturday received these beautiful belated birthday gifts from Salmi.
Million thanks ...Tak sangka masih ada yg ingat dan sudi...terharu sungguh. Tambah2 bila tengok stoberi yang hansem dan holder yang ganteng..kehkehkeh....
Thanks again Salmi....muahssss.
19 August 2008
Jom makan lagi...
Haha...Puasa is just around the corner, so as a teaser I just want to show about my latest food testing project. I was so bored last weekend (or is it two weekends ago?..hmmm). As I was watching a cooking program hosted by Chef Wan on TV9, I came upon this Laksa Siam recipe. As I have lots of ikan cencaru ( sorry..dont know what's its called in English) I tested this recipe.
Its like a combination of laksa lemak and laksa asam/penang. Not bad for my taste buds. But it cant beat the authentic taste of laksa asam..ever!!
Therefore, until we meet again, I want to wish all my Muslim friends..Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa. Semoga amalan kita diterima di bulan yang mulai ini. How I wish I can tell you all the amount of 'rindu' I have kept ..I missed our normal chatting days..the exchanges that we've done. Even looking at all the exchanges gift has brought tears to my eyes....Itulah pengubat rindu yang amat mujarab. Itulah juga reminder yg amat mujarab tentang 'hutang2 'tertunggak yg belum sempat dibalas..Insyallah ..semoga masanya akan tiba jua nanti..Amin!!
Not to forget....Selamat Hari Merdeka. Mengingatkan kembali nostalgia kita menjalan Stitch A-long tahun lepas..Aduh..syahdu dan sebak.....
Until we meet again.....Selamat bercuti dari menjadi supir sempena cuti sekolah ini, Selamat menyambut merdeka dan selamat berpuasa. Terima kasih kepada yg mengucapkan selamat hari lahir. Makcik rasa dah tua la pulak ....Take care ya..Muahsss
Salam...it's me again...
It's me again...2 weeks after my last entry..here I am again..with my latest project..malu pun nak ngaku projek sebab ntah ape2 yg di stitch kan.Actually its a 'main2' stich as I was trying to use up all my fabric remnants. With this small size of fabric, I just thought of stitching the first thing that come across my eye..Its a bear actually, the size is about 10x10 but its taking longer time to complete. Last time with this small piece I can finish it in no time..sap sap suey kata orang china.
Nowadays...this small piece is like a mega project..Started to stitch it during the Olympic launching date-August 8. Olympic is going to be over this weekend and I'm still not approaching 50% progress. Mana lah nak merasa pingat emas nye ye tak???
Thinking of trying to make a throw pillow out of this..but who knows ...it might turn out to be thrown into my 'gobok' for ageing purposes. Next ten or fifteen years it can be a relic to my antique collection..( as if I 'have' an antique collection...fuhhhh)

Well. to maintain my spirit , I wll still try to finish this 'bear-bear' as I have one debt to pay for someone's birthday this coming month and another month to come..seems like lots of stitching to do..but...who cares right, I'm picking up my 'merajuk' pieces bits by bits...
It's me again...2 weeks after my last entry..here I am again..with my latest project..malu pun nak ngaku projek sebab ntah ape2 yg di stitch kan.Actually its a 'main2' stich as I was trying to use up all my fabric remnants. With this small size of fabric, I just thought of stitching the first thing that come across my eye..Its a bear actually, the size is about 10x10 but its taking longer time to complete. Last time with this small piece I can finish it in no time..sap sap suey kata orang china.
Nowadays...this small piece is like a mega project..Started to stitch it during the Olympic launching date-August 8. Olympic is going to be over this weekend and I'm still not approaching 50% progress. Mana lah nak merasa pingat emas nye ye tak???
Thinking of trying to make a throw pillow out of this..but who knows ...it might turn out to be thrown into my 'gobok' for ageing purposes. Next ten or fifteen years it can be a relic to my antique collection..( as if I 'have' an antique collection...fuhhhh)
Well. to maintain my spirit , I wll still try to finish this 'bear-bear' as I have one debt to pay for someone's birthday this coming month and another month to come..seems like lots of stitching to do..but...who cares right, I'm picking up my 'merajuk' pieces bits by bits...
01 August 2008
My Floral Splendour Complete....Wallah!!
At last...with all the 'merajuk sini merajuk sana" due to the limited availability of DMC thread at my area, I managed to finish this strikingly beautiful ( yeah...seniri jugak puji) floral splendour. Started it early this year and only manage to finish it end of July (approximately at 2 am). A birthday gift for myself anyway...hahahaha

The fabric was courtesy from dear friend Yasmin of Arau, Perlis. I dont know the name. ( Shhhh....People said, it is not proper to ask many question when you receive any gifts...wink*wink*)All I can say about the fabric was, it was not 14ct. More like 10 ct aida with gold flecks. The pattern by Sheila Hudson from The Cross Stitch Collection ,December 2005 issue.
My personal opinion about this project..I dont like stitching on the glod flecks fabric. I like the pattern because of the brightness of the colour. Infact that was the first reason that attract me to stitch it. As I go along, I find it troublesome to stitch on fabrics with gold flecks. 'Sakit mata makcik!!!' Especially when stitching the yellow flowers...I wish I can stop right there and then, but then thinking back, it is a sin to waste....hahaha..the loyal me..Luckily, manage to complete it with a lot of fuss..I'm so stingy with thread nowadays as Im using not the normal 2 strand but 3 strand. With all the rising goods price ..it is a sin to waste...Bukan senang tau nak dapat sumber benang2 di sini. Banyak yang dikirim melalui DH masa dia outstation..Jadilah..buat penguat semangat...
At the moment, I am stitching small pattern just to warm up. Planned to start on a 'sort of' mega project after raya..that too depends on my mood..I have to check my resources first before I start..that may take months..hehehehe..Insyallah....
The fabric was courtesy from dear friend Yasmin of Arau, Perlis. I dont know the name. ( Shhhh....People said, it is not proper to ask many question when you receive any gifts...wink*wink*)All I can say about the fabric was, it was not 14ct. More like 10 ct aida with gold flecks. The pattern by Sheila Hudson from The Cross Stitch Collection ,December 2005 issue.
My personal opinion about this project..I dont like stitching on the glod flecks fabric. I like the pattern because of the brightness of the colour. Infact that was the first reason that attract me to stitch it. As I go along, I find it troublesome to stitch on fabrics with gold flecks. 'Sakit mata makcik!!!' Especially when stitching the yellow flowers...I wish I can stop right there and then, but then thinking back, it is a sin to waste....hahaha..the loyal me..Luckily, manage to complete it with a lot of fuss..I'm so stingy with thread nowadays as Im using not the normal 2 strand but 3 strand. With all the rising goods price ..it is a sin to waste...Bukan senang tau nak dapat sumber benang2 di sini. Banyak yang dikirim melalui DH masa dia outstation..Jadilah..buat penguat semangat...
At the moment, I am stitching small pattern just to warm up. Planned to start on a 'sort of' mega project after raya..that too depends on my mood..I have to check my resources first before I start..that may take months..hehehehe..Insyallah....
Kek Cokelat lagi......
Entah mimpi apa...duduk sini ambik tempahan buat kek untuk majlis orang lah pulak. Bulan lepas my eldest biras buat majlis solat hajat utk anak gadisnya yg akan belajar medik di Bandung. Sekaligus dgn sambutan hari lahir ke semua enam orang anaknya. Dia minta buatkan empat biji kek ...Waduh..biasanya buat kek sebiji jer, itupun setahun sekali..(masa nak raya). Tapi disebabkan dia bersungguh2 mintak buatkan jugak, tak dapeklah nak menolak. ( Maklumlah, raya puasa dua tahun lepas me sponsor dua biji kek cokelat utk open house rumah dia...mesti sedap lah tu kan...hahahaha)
So, inilah kerjatangan amatur macam I. Payah jugak nak buat tulisan maklumlah kan...tak penah buat..Selalu letak je kek sebiji gitu atas meja..buat topping simple je..nak pecah kepala makcik pikir macam mana nak deco rupa paras kek. Jadi, mintak tolong dengan my younger biras yang seorang lagi tu bagi idea decorate dan pipekan tulisan. Disebabkan dah tak cukup masa..main belasah ajelah..Sebab tulah..tulisan tu nampak tak timbul...technical error. Nasib baik tetamu yg makan kek tu fokus kat kek saja.Nasib baik jugak customer tak cerewet. Kalau tidak..gulung tikar bisnes makcik on the spot kan..ekekeke
So, inilah kerjatangan amatur macam I. Payah jugak nak buat tulisan maklumlah kan...tak penah buat..Selalu letak je kek sebiji gitu atas meja..buat topping simple je..nak pecah kepala makcik pikir macam mana nak deco rupa paras kek. Jadi, mintak tolong dengan my younger biras yang seorang lagi tu bagi idea decorate dan pipekan tulisan. Disebabkan dah tak cukup masa..main belasah ajelah..Sebab tulah..tulisan tu nampak tak timbul...technical error. Nasib baik tetamu yg makan kek tu fokus kat kek saja.Nasib baik jugak customer tak cerewet. Kalau tidak..gulung tikar bisnes makcik on the spot kan..ekekeke
Woohooo...lamanya hibernating!!
Alhamdulilah....setelah lama menyorok dalam gobok platinum..akhirnya dapat juga meluangkan masa utk sapu2 sawang kat blog ni..bak kata adik manis..pi lah sapu sawang kat blog nun..semak ngat nampak...amboii...nasib baik mood akak baik..ekekekeke..
I havent been doing anything much , but I do admit that I tried my hand doing something that I have never done before..gardening. My mom used to tell me that I'm not a green finger/thumb person. My first tree was planted when I was 12 years old..a jasmine tree. Pokoknya bantut sampai lah ke akhir hayatnya..same like the person who planted it... Even during my stay in Penang, I tried planted the pokok cili padi, pokok kunyit, pokok kesum. of course lah semuanya dalam pasu. Pokok2 tu pun hidup segan mati tak mahu. Kesudahannya..laman sekangkang penguin tu di cementkan semuanya..hahaha..senang cerita, tak payah nak sedih2...
So..selepas berhijrah ke sini, mencuba sekali lagi..dan alhamdulilah...sehat2 pokok2 ku semua..macam orang yg menanamnya jugak..dah tua2 ni baru tangan tak panas kot...
Jom tengok pokok2di belakang dan tepi2 rumah...

Yang ni pokok cili padi...first time nampak pokok ni berbuah..rasa terharu sangat. Maklumlah kan..hasil pertama. ...hahaha..ada 7 pokok kat belakang rumah...dan ada lebih kurang 20 pokok cili merah di keliling rumah....makcik nak meniaga weh....

Pokok kesum..sehat2 jugak....pokok kunyit...my mom said daun kunyit tu nak balut orang pun boleh...hahaha..

My pokok pandan....dulu2 susah betul kalau tiba2 teringin nak masak bubur atau nasi lemak., kadang2 dgn muka tak malu mintak ngan jiran ..sekarang tidak lagi....semuanya di hujung jari..

And my pokok betik...masa baru2 pindah hari tu..beli lah betik sebiji..konon2 nak tanam sebab nak teduhkan tepi2 rumah...disebabkan semua biji2 betik tu disemai...jadi banyak lah pulak, nak buang sayang..so keputusannya...tanam semua, tak baik membazir..dosa...Sekarang ni ada dalam 20 pokok betik ..Ha..ambik kau...So..nanti kalau ternampak me berniaga buah betik kat Pasar Siti Khadijah....berikanlah sokongan anda....Nampak tak Ucang sedang buat guard duty kat situ..bukan sembarangan betik tu....
So..sekarang ni kalau petang tak hujan. adalah aktiviti2 berkebun sikit2..tapi tak kurus jugak....
Lepas ni nak fokus tanam pokok munge pulak..sunflower ke, roses ke, orkid ke.....
I havent been doing anything much , but I do admit that I tried my hand doing something that I have never done before..gardening. My mom used to tell me that I'm not a green finger/thumb person. My first tree was planted when I was 12 years old..a jasmine tree. Pokoknya bantut sampai lah ke akhir hayatnya..same like the person who planted it... Even during my stay in Penang, I tried planted the pokok cili padi, pokok kunyit, pokok kesum. of course lah semuanya dalam pasu. Pokok2 tu pun hidup segan mati tak mahu. Kesudahannya..laman sekangkang penguin tu di cementkan semuanya..hahaha..senang cerita, tak payah nak sedih2...
So..selepas berhijrah ke sini, mencuba sekali lagi..dan alhamdulilah...sehat2 pokok2 ku semua..macam orang yg menanamnya jugak..dah tua2 ni baru tangan tak panas kot...
Jom tengok pokok2di belakang dan tepi2 rumah...
Yang ni pokok cili padi...first time nampak pokok ni berbuah..rasa terharu sangat. Maklumlah kan..hasil pertama. ...hahaha..ada 7 pokok kat belakang rumah...dan ada lebih kurang 20 pokok cili merah di keliling rumah....makcik nak meniaga weh....
Pokok kesum..sehat2 jugak....pokok kunyit...my mom said daun kunyit tu nak balut orang pun boleh...hahaha..
My pokok pandan....dulu2 susah betul kalau tiba2 teringin nak masak bubur atau nasi lemak., kadang2 dgn muka tak malu mintak ngan jiran ..sekarang tidak lagi....semuanya di hujung jari..
And my pokok betik...masa baru2 pindah hari tu..beli lah betik sebiji..konon2 nak tanam sebab nak teduhkan tepi2 rumah...disebabkan semua biji2 betik tu disemai...jadi banyak lah pulak, nak buang sayang..so keputusannya...tanam semua, tak baik membazir..dosa...Sekarang ni ada dalam 20 pokok betik ..Ha..ambik kau...So..nanti kalau ternampak me berniaga buah betik kat Pasar Siti Khadijah....berikanlah sokongan anda....Nampak tak Ucang sedang buat guard duty kat situ..bukan sembarangan betik tu....
So..sekarang ni kalau petang tak hujan. adalah aktiviti2 berkebun sikit2..tapi tak kurus jugak....
Lepas ni nak fokus tanam pokok munge pulak..sunflower ke, roses ke, orkid ke.....
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