It has been a week and I only write about it today..what a terrible friend..Yasmin ..(the sifoo of course) has given me these beautiful 'comel' pincushion I have ever seen (not that I've seen many..LOL). She also gave me a bunch of goodies that I'm very thankful for..Fabric,floss,needles. Even tho its not my birthday month but seems like I have gotten myself an early birthday gift. Thank you Yasmin..I'm deeply touched. Oh ya..since I happened to like the pincushion so much, I hope you dont mind if I 'tiru' the idea later..wink-wink.
Not forgetting these wonderful gifts from Kak Da in Kay Ell..she send me these gorgeous strawberry fob and few pieces of cotton. You are such a darling Kak Da, and I'm deeply touched too. But the most that catches my eyes is the 'love letter' frm her...her handwriting is cute..(LOL..I swear)

It has been a wonderful months for me as I received gifts from my internet friends with whom I share the same passion..cross stitching. Even tho the friendship blossom in less than a year, but I feel like we have known each other this whole time. They have the greatest, generous and the kindest heart and most important of all, they feel like family to me. Thank you so much my stitching buddies..XstitchesNXchanges group..You all are great and I'm glad to know you. Thank you for being my friend...muahss