30 May 2007

MDSE from Azie

This is the MDSE box I received from Azie..the partner..walllaa...I'm loving it!!

Thank you Azie..it's a lot..I love it..
If you happen to notice Ning Baizura big happy smile at the back..dont question further....it symbolizes my big humongus grin when opening the box, exactly like that...LOL

28 May 2007

Mothers Day Stash Exchange of XstitchesNXchanges Group

This collage of our recently completed Mothers Day Stash Exchange (MDSE) in XstitchesNXchanges Yahoo Group.

As the organizer for the exchange. I thank all the participants ..from the bottom of my heart..you gurls are awesome!! Untill next year then...keep up the spirit of giving with love!!

27 May 2007

Sunflower In A Vase Completed

I'm very excited as my sunflower has completed. Proudly showing off not just one pic but two..ahahahaha..

Now ..need to search for few more pattern of flowers in a vase similar to this size to complete the theme for my cushion pillow.

23 May 2007

Hot frm the oven..yeehaa

As per my promise to Ain to show to her immediately once the blue vase 'kelihatan'...here you go..

I cant do my beadstitch since last weekend...as Mimi the fur kepochee is always hanging around me,
I switched to my beloved blue vase mission..Once completed..I'm going to send Mimi to Popok Sang Kuilty for the holidays...LOL..then I have some space to do my beadsitch without that 'stuntwoman'..wink wink.

Hoop Spring

Specially to my buddies Eva and Kak Da ..here you go..

and here is how to use it..correct me if I'm wrong ya....
Hendaklah dibuat di atas permukaan rata (flat surface). Plastic bulat di bhg bawah sekali. Diikuti dng fabrik.

Dan juga besi penegang diletak di atas fabrik itu.

Kepitkan pemegang besi supaya rapat dan muat masuk ke dlm bulatan plastik.

Bila sudah masuk..lepaskan pemegang tadi .

Siap untuk digayakan..

21 May 2007

My Sunflower Mania Updated...yeehaaa

yahh...manage to do backstitch for the blooming flowers.

Only left with the blue vase..If I manage to complete it by this week..then I'm off to the land of flora and fauna...where there is the birds and the bees ..and the trees ...and... bla bla bla..

20 May 2007

My Hibernating Beadstitch WIP ...

For the past two weeks, I've been stitching these at night..I'm taking some time adjusting to the rythmn and momentum of stitching with beads..and far far away from the cats. So far, Mimi and Ucang has stunt twice on my beads box and its taking me ages to store them back in their righfull container. The last time it happened..back in December 2006, I stopped with this WIP as I was totally pissed off..and at that moment the only thing came across my mind is..I want to put all the cats for adoption...hahaha...sudenly become the Evil Cruella...
Welll...I hope I can complete this in 2 months...hahahaha..my wishfull thinking ....

16 May 2007

Jom Buat Small Hanging Pillow..

Langkah demi langkah untuk membuat small red pillow iteww..

Ini item yg perlu ada..2 keping pattern yg sudah di jahit, sama ukuran depan dan belakang, dijahit kelilingnya dengan jahitan backstitch. Cording atau tali untuk membuat hiasan tepi dan 'hanger'. Jika mengikut saiz pillow ini, panjang cording diperlukan ialah kira2 satu meter. Juga jarum dan benang yg sama warna untuk mencantum dan menjahit .

Cantumkan bahagian depan dan belakang dengan berpandukan pada jahitan backstitch itu (seperti membuat jahitan sembat di tepi kain) sehingga tinggal sedikit bukaan (opening) untuk memasukkan fiberfill.
Jahit sehingga ia menjadi seperti bantal kecil seperti dalam gambar ini.

Kemudian, jahitkan pula cording tadi di atas jahitan yg mula2 tadi. Pilih pepenjuru mana hendak dimulakan. Jahitkan pada bhg bawah cording supaya benang tidak kelihatan di bahagian depan. Pastikan cording melekat kuat pada bantal supaya tidak mudah tertanggal. Adalah lebih sesuai jika menggunakan jarum yg lebih halus dalam proses ini.

Buat sehingga habis sekeliling pillow dan cording itu bertemu semula ditempat ia bermula tadi. Kemaskan bahagian pertemuan itu dgn jahitan serapat yang mungkin. Potong lebihan cording itu.

Dan..pillow itu akan kelihatan seperti ini (bahagian depan)

Dan seperti ini...(bahagian belakang). Kemaskan tempat memotong cording tadi.Gunting benang yg lebih itu.

Untuk membuat hanger, jahitkan lebihan cording tadi di bahagian mana disukai..sama ada di tengah atau sepanjang tepi bahagian atas pillow (seperti dlm gambar). Hiasan2 lain terpulang kepada kreativiti masing2.

13 May 2007

The Sunflower Mania Continues....

Well, this time I'm stitching it for myself.. Pattern was from Cross Stitcher Magazine September 2006 issue..Havent figure out what is going to be made into..but I have a feeling it's going to be a pillow..for the sofa or for my lepak-lepak area...lets decide on it when it's actualy finished..*wink-wink*

Happy Mothers Day...

Normally I dont celebrate Mothers Day as everyday is a mothers day to me..and to my son especially. When you were brought up with teachings like ' never ever disobey your mother, listen to your mom , jangan jadi anak derhaka' and so on, mother is always on the winning side hence..its a mothers day all the time. You can never say NO to your mother right? By treating the mother nicely as in listening to her daily without much fuss is a reward enough for a mother..hahahaa..my wishful thinking..
But , I think I'm making an exception this year.. Its not like I'm having a celebration of sorts..Well..just me having a good time today..with the cake bought by my son and stitching a small hanging pillow ..plus receiving quite a number of goodies from friends and the loved ones who acknowledge my passion for cross stitching ...I guess I kind of like the month of MAY 2007.


06 May 2007

Jom belajar Membuat Cubegalatte

Ini ialah 6 sides of pattern. Setiap satu keping design area berukuran 30 x 30 kotak. Saya cuma tambahkan 2 kotak di setiap sides untuk membuat backstitch di sekeliling.

Juga sediakan 6 keping iron on interfacing material (kain keras yg digunakan untuk membuat kolar keras pada pakaian), yg digunting mengikut saiz ukuran pattern.

Kain keras ini hendaklah digunting kecil sedikit dr ukuran backstitch (garisan benang merah di dlm gambar) supaya mudah untuk melipat dan mencantum nanti.

Gosokkan perlahan2 dgn menggunakan seterika. Pastikan ia betul2 melekat pada fabrik .

Jika kain keras itu terlebih besar potongan drp saiz design area iaitu lingkungan benang merah (seperti dlm gambar) boleh trim sedikit tepi2nya.

Ini ke enam2 sides selepas digosok. . Sudah bersedia untuk dicantumkan.

Beginilah kedudukan tiap2 kepingan. Bahagian yg hanya mengandungi tulisan itu adalah permukaan paling bawah cube. Kalau di lihat pada gambar ini, kepingan yg akhir sekali (di bhg bawah tulisan itu) bunga matahari itu sama susunan dgn kepingan bahagian atas . Jika ini berlaku, apabila sudah dicantum nanti, bunga itu akan kelihatan terbalik. jadi apa yg perlu dibuat ialah seperti gambar dibawah

Susunan gambar bunga hendaklah terbalik supaya ia tidak kelihatan terbalik sesudah dicantum nanti

Teruskan mencantum sekeping demi sekeping sehingga tinggal sedikit bukaan untuk menjahitkan cording. Kedudukan kording terpulang pada kehendak masing2. Dlm kes saya ini, saya memilih untuk meletakkannya di bahagian tepi.

Saya jahitkan kording terlebih dahulu pada tepi kelim supaya kording tidak mudah bergerak2 semasa proses mencantum nanti. Jika tidak buat sepeti ini pun boleh..but dont blame anyone if youre having a hard task doing it..hehehe
Setelah selesai, masukkan fiberfill ke dalam. (Proses mengisi fiber sama seperti membuat biscornu dan yang lain2 ). Jahitkan semua bukaan sehingga tertutup semuanya.

Inilah rupa cubegalatte setelah selesai mencantumkannya.

05 May 2007

Sunshine the Sunflower Family

I was so hooked with sunflower, I did not realize that I have stitched quite a number of sunflower related item for the MDSE..hehehe..just cant resist myself..Since Sis Noreen has received the gift, its only appropriate of me to publish the picture and the story behind the making...hahaha

The Needlebook..The pattern was originally frm a cross stitcher magazine that I asked frm Lindt to pass to me.(thank you Lindt..the pattern was addicting..hehehe). I just take the upper portion of the pattern and stitch is as a needlebook..with a little bit of add on...
Tak susah sangat sebenarnya nak stitch buku ini sebab ini sudah masuk yg ke5...chewahh tapi masih menggigil2 lagi bab nak mencantumkan felt..kerastangan maa!!

Again..adapting frm the same pattern...stitching only the blooming flower as a scissor fobs pattern .
Pertama kali dlm sejarah, I'm using cording yg keras tu utk di jahit sekeliling fob. Maaf ye Kak Reen, percubaab pertama tu tak begitu da bomb...dan bow merah tu sebenarnya utk menutup kecomotan hasil kerja..hehehe..tu pasal tone kalers tu lari..tetiba jer..terletak bow merah...But then...it add colors to the dull fob..ngeh ngeh ngeh..

Mothers Day Pillow for Sis Noreen. That is the best I can do with ribbons..hehehe..dare not to chalenge myself more.. And to tell the truth..I'm taking long time to stitch cording all around...Kengkonon nak surprisekan myself..to see whether I really can do it..but then I'm actually surprised..lama betul masa yg diambil nak jahit kording tu..dr duduk tegak, sampai mengiring dan akhirnya baring terlentang..kording tu still lambat nk complete..Moral of the story.. I will not stitch any more of this style..period.!!

The Cubegalatte. Using the coasters design,again frm the same pattern and frm the same magazine. this is a tedious job for me as I find it boring to stitch 5 sides of the same pattern....but after seeing the end result..only admiration arises..Will stitch another cube for my self soon...exactly like this...wink-wink .
Actually I stitched this way ahead..Initially was meant for myself..but since the theme for my gifts to Sis Reen is sunflowers..why not give it altogether..nanti tak cukup item pulak for all my sedara mara to uuuuu aaaahhhh uuuu aaahhh..Hahahaaha..gurau jer ye kengkawan..

Lastly..while browsing the freebies pattern. found this sunflower fit for a biscornu. cant resist myself once again. I stitched it till the wee morning hours..right before I mail out the box. Totally kelam kabut..hehehe

So..there you go...my sunshine family made for Sis Noreen. Pls excuse the workmanship and the color combination. What seems marvelous to my eyes doest not always in sync with others. I didnt mean to over exeggerating myself or to show off by producing one too many items..but as I mentioned earlier..since sunflower is one of my favourites, I enjoyed myself while stitching all these. Even when I cant keep it , I am content just by stitching it for a dear sis whom I regard as relative..sedara mara..if u need to elaborate..ngeh ngeh ngeh....

Biscornu Tutorial

Simple biscornu tutorial

Ini ialah pattern utk biscornu, bhg depan dan belakang. Luas stitching area ialah 50 x 50 kotak. Saya hanya lebihkan 1 kotak sahaja bagi tiap2 tepi utk jahitan backstitch.Saiz kedua2 bhg depan dan belakang mestilah sama.

Utk memudahkan masa mencantum nanti, lipatkan bhg tepi dgn menggosoknya dahulu.

Kemudian, carikan titik tengah bhg depan. Kelipkan dgn hujung penjuru bhg belakang. pastikan titik bertemu betul2 di bhg tengah. Kelipkan dgn jarum peniti.

Gunakan benang yang sama warna untuk mencantumkan.

Jahitkan sekeliling sehingga tinggal sedikit bukaan untuk masukkan fiberfill.

Isikan fiberfill sepadat yg dikehendaki. teruskan menjahit semula hingga tertutup semua bukaan. matikan jahitan.

Apabila sudah memilih butang yg sesuai, jahitkan butang dan cucukkan jarum tembus ke bhg belakang.

Terpulang samada bhg belakang juga hendak diletakkan butang ataupun dibiarkan kosong sahaja. Jahit secara silang atau mengikut kesukaan masing2 untuk menetapkan kedudukan butang supaya terletak kemas. Matikan jahitan di bawah butang berkenaan dan "sorok' benang ke dlm biscornu.

Beginilah rupa biscornu yang telah siap.