This is my 'time-out' precious moment where nothing else matters. Just me doing my own bussiness..cross stitching,crochetting...and
19 November 2008
Basket of smalls updated
16 November 2008
Basket of Smalls...
The patterns was from Donna Kooler and my 'ciput' collection of XS magazines.. I'll update once I've made a handfull...yeehaaa!!
note...please ignore the oily stained plant in the pot eh..botol pecah...hikhikhik...

In The Mood for another .....Needlebook...
My ribbon lady decorate the if I want to give it as a hantaran..LOL..Aiyaiyai.. calon menantu pun tak terfikir lagi....huhuhu...I like it but I dont know if anyone would ...The pink ribbon sooth the eyes..that was all that matters.. I was grinning widely when picking up the needlebook yesterday...
For those who has seen my needlebook.. will know that there is a difference in the inside of this webbit , right?? This time I stitch a small pocket. I was extra 'rajin' this time...hehehe.
Nope...this needlebook has no new owner yet..if that was what you're thinking...a loner it immediate next of kin too..
Do You Still Remember???
While making a pinkeep for the'red poppy family' last two weeks, I decided to do the finishing for the 5 Flowers too. I dont have to feel guilty for ' not finishing the bussiness' anymore..LOL
Look at all the small ribbons attached to the pinkeep? That was not my doing. Initially I only asked G ( my ribbons lady aka biras) to tie the ribbons for me. But she was so 'rajin' and add 4 more small ribbons at the edging..hahaha..I dont quite like it..but decided to leave it there as it will be for display only..its not going to hurt anyone eyes ..but mine...hehehe..Thanks G....

13 November 2008
- The rules of the game get posted at the beginning
- Each player answers the questions about themselves
- At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog
Starting time : 3.39pm
Name : Nickname yg selalu guna: Index. Masa siuman guna nama ikut surat beranak..Ainy.
Sisters : 3
Brothers :3
Shoe size :6 kot..
Height : hait..arigato gonzaimas...
Where do you live : Pasir Mas, Kelantan.
Have you ever been on a plane : Yes
Swam in the ocean : tak berani sejak tngk filem JAWS masa kocik dulu..
Fallen asleep at school : tak..pelajar contoh maa...kena kontrol ayu..walalala
Broken someone’s heart : maybe..
Fell off your chair : ada...banyak kali ...
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : tak kose makcik...
Saved e-mails : yang penting2 je
What is your room like : kadang2 mcm room, kadang2 mcm store..
What’s right beside you: dinding...tngh mengadap pc maa
What is the last thing you ate : homemade bread...yeehaa
Ever had…
Chicken pox : yup
Sore throat : yup
Stitches :neber
Broken nose : neber
Do you Believe in love at first sight : not sure
Like picnics : not really
Who was/were…
The last person you danced with : takde nari-nari...kang buang tebiat lak katanye...
Last made you smile : before jawab tag ni lah..
You last yelled at : Ucang....memekak je kat tepi ni haa..
Today did you…
Talk to someone you like : of course lah.
Kissed anyone : belum lagi..ekekeke
Get sick : on the way ni..
Talk to an ex : crazy ke ape???
Miss someone : my mom..last jumpa dia June lepas...uhuk uhuk
Who do you really hate: George W Bush..tak boleh la tngk muka arrogant dia...
Do you like your hand-writing : dolu2 suka,,sekarang tak suka sbb rasa mcm dah out of practice
Are your toe nails painted :neber
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : any bed that is clean ...
What color shirt are you wearing now : dark blue...yeehaa
Are you a friendly person : not really...
Do you have any pets :yes..3 ekor...
Do you sleep with the TV on : once in a while
What are you doing right now : cakap sorang2 sambil menaip ni ha..
Can you handle the truth : if the truth hurts...TERpaksa handle lah kan..
Are you closer to your mother or father : mak
Do you eat healthy : Always pujuk myself to think so..hehehehe
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : nak cari pasal ke??
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : tak suka dekat dgn sesiapa..menyendiri lg best
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : loud..klu quiet tu sumthin'wrong le
Are you confident : yes
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. a bz working wife/mum
2. jarang sangat memasak kat rumah
3. tak bela pets pun..takde masa nk urus
4. tak de hobi pun..asik kerja..kerja..kerja
5. tak reti nak ngadap pc berjam2 sehari macam sekarang...walalala
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
semua benda yang baik2 nak dibuat..takmo jadi riak, takbur dan sesat...kalau boleh hari2 nak bersedekah kepada yang amat memerlukan...lepas tu jadi Mem Besar dan kemudian membesar bagai johan.....muahahaha
5 of my bad habits
1. hot tempered
2. tak suka tmpt yg ramai orang...ajak gi rumah orang..byk le alasan..
3.berat mulut woo kalau tak kena gayanya..
4.plg tak suka mengemas rumah...
5. dont know how to say no .... lemah betul kalau kena rayu nih...
5 places I’ve lived/living
1.Benta, Pahang.
2. Gombak Setia, Selangor
3. Minden Heights, Pulau Pinang
4. Sg Nibong, Pulau Pinang
5. Bayan Baru, Pulau Pinang
5 people I tag
Belum ada list lagi..kalau ada..baru buat..ok kan??
11 November 2008
Aksi 'Panas' Pinchesska
Hari Membuat Roti...
Kagum betul dgn Maisya ni..dia rajin dan kreatif. memang impressive. TERberkenan dgn resepi French Baguettes yang ada kat blog dia. Jadi malam tadi kita pun cuba..
Dah lama betul tak buat roti..kira macam dah pencen giteww..Jadi, malam tadi makan french baguttes with garlic butter cicah dengan mushroom soup.
Sedap lah rasa fact much better dr baguettes yg selalu beli kat bakery tu..keras kejung..yg ni soft dan ada rasa .Dari satu resepi tu kita bahagi kepada tiga ketul..sorang satu lah kan..Tak sangka pulak..roti tu habis sekali hadap je. Mushroom Soup itu beli yang instant je..jenama Knorr. Just tambah sikit whipped cream, tu pasal soup jadi putih melepak. Yang penting..sapu bersih..
Ok, bagi yang sudah TER dengan french baguettes ni, disertakan sekali resepinya yang dikutip dari blog Maisya .
Puan Roshayati Johari
Ingredients :
360g bread flour90g superfine flour - guna tepung gandum biasa je
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon bread improver - tak bubuh
1 teaspoon bread softener - tak bubuh
3 teaspoons instant yeast~
Mix well all the above ingredients.
250g water
10g shortening
Method :
1. Add water to the dry ingredients, a little at a time and knead till a smooth dough is formed.
2. Add in shortening and continue kneading till a smooth and elastic dough is formed.
3. Divide dough to 3 portions, 240g each. Make into balls and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
4. Roll flat one portion to form a square. Then roll it (like a swiss roll). Leave to prove till double the size, about 45 minutes.
5. Brush the top with water, twice. Then make a small cut on top of each dough.
6. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 190 degree celcius using *steam bake method for 12 minutes.
7. After 12 minutes, remove the tray with water and continue baking for another 10 minutes.
* steam bake : Place the tray with dough on top of a tray filled with water and put both trays into the oven.
Dalam oven sekarang ni sedang bakar roti lagi. Kali ni Roti Burger pulak. Juga kutip resepi dari blog Maisya. Next entry ye kita cerita..Wahhh..semerbak rumahku dengan bau roti..
Oh ya, cerita pasal Roti Burger ada kat sini..nak letak kat sini macam tak seswai dgn description blog..LOL
08 November 2008
Its Family Time.
Semua stitching siap dibuat dalam bulan Julai lagi. tetapi disebabkan mood yang macam biskut chipsmore kan..sekejap ada, sekejap takde.. semuanya bergerak mcm siput. Sebelum puasa dah siapkan fob..siap dengan tassel lagik. Malah cordingnya pun buat sendiri...kelasss ahkak. Bukan apa, tak tau kat mana nak cari cording macam-macam fesyen kat sini. Bulan puasa pulak kononnya nak buat sekurang-kurangnya pincushion tu tapi tak jadi jugak..ada hal lain pulak kena settle dulu. Lepas raya dah jadi ular sawa pulak..melingkaq kat open house tak hengat..Lepas selesai puasa enam baru tergerak hati nak sambung matress pincushion tu. Rupanya, pincushion style ni leceh jugak ye..nak kelim tepi2 tu memang mencabar kesabaran. Rasa macam forever nak sampai kat hujung tu..
Pinkeep tu pun macam forever jugak ambil masa nak siap. Potong mounting board dah lama, tapi tak terusik jugak. Sampailah satu hari datang kesedaran dalam diri bahawasanya...(cewahh - ayat!!), hadiah ni dah lama sangat tertangguh..nak tunggu apa lagi kan...Jadi, keesokannya..siap semua finishing utk lain2 item..pinkeep, needlebook dan scissors tip protector boleh siap dlm satu hari je...boleh pun makcik...saja je kan...ikutkan sangat perasaan malas dan takde mood tu... Tip protector tu sebenarnya last minute decision..maklumlah kan..teruja dgn projek mega kawan2 ingat nak cuba buat sesuatu yang tak pernah buat lagi...
Lepas dah siap semuanya, maka berkumpullah semua ahli keluarga untuk mengambil gambar Happy Family iteww. Hanya ribbon pada pinkeep , tip, fob dan pincushion itew yang mintak biras tolong kantoi bab tu..
Dalam banyak banyak item tu, suka sangat kat needlebook dan pinkeep tu sebab ia simple sangat. Kosong dan nampak bersih je. Hajat hati nak decorate jugaklah tepi2 tu dgn something tapi tak sampai hati la nak kacau....nanti jadi lagi buruk..Cuma jahitan je lah yang buruk. maklumlah kan, jahit tangan saje..terketaq-ketaq makcik kontrol jangan kasi senget benget..LOL...Oh ya, kalau ada bertanya, kenapa masih guna aida bukan linen atau evenweave, jawapannya...clearance stok maa..sian adik manis...kain ni banyak lagi dlm simpanan..takut dia tukau kaler nanti. Lagipun I bet, adik manis tak guna semua tu, dia akan simpan dalam gobok khas ..for display only.. sayang kan nak guna...*wink-wink*
Lupa pulak nak cerita, pattern bunga poppy ni diambil dari buku ' Cross Stitch Flowers - Inspirational Ideas for Creating Beautiful Cards And Gifts'. Memang jatuh chenta sehabis2nya dgn semua bunga2 kat dalam buku ni. Infact, sekarang pun sdg stitch satu projek bunga dari buku ini. Nantikan perkembangannya nanti..yehaaa!
Jadi kepada Musliha..terima kasih sebab sudi menerima pemberian akak seadanya. Ada lima item dalam boleh cover gifts selama lima tahun. Kita dah kenal selama tiga tahun, jadi utk dua tahun akan datang, akak tak perlu kasi gifts lagi lah kan....wahahaha..macam ni punya olang pun ada...
04 November 2008
Yummylicious Chocolate Cheesecake
Roti Arab...
My Bear-Bear Completed

Scissors Tip Protector
I believe I can do better next time..but for a first timer..I'll bear with it..merah ang-ang tuu...
My First Matress Pincushion

This is how it looks like before I went experimenting with glue and ribbons. Dont laugh please....I was just experimenting ok...I was quite sure it looks better without the ribbons...hahaha, Unless somebody else tell me otherwise...but then it looks so bold..well that was what I thought.
Then...looking at the pincushion with ribbons and whatnot...its not breathtaking at all...Well..ugly pun ugly lah..its my first matress pincushion..I'll make do with it...